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Fitzgerald Report Master Plans

The Limerick Regeneration Agencies were set up by Ministerial Orders on 15th June 2007. The sponsoring Department is the Department for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The Orders will lapse on 14th June 2012, when they will have to be renewed if the Agencies are to continue.

Southside Establishment Order (102 KB)
Northside Establishment Order (102 KB)

On Wednesday, 14th May 2008 an Act amending the Limerick Regeneration (Establishment) Orders (S.I. No.275/276 of 2007) was passed un-opposed in Dáil Éireann.

This amendment re-defined the Northside and Southside Regeneration Areas and included an additional Article, defining the Agency's remit with deposited map's, which clearly indicates with a red line the boundary of the land that is under the Agencies remit.

These changes, entitled the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) (Confirmation of Orders) Act 2008, were singed into law on Tuesday, 20th May 2008 by President Mary McAleese.

Amendment of Orders 2008 (905 KB)
Northside Regeneration Area Map (2.9 MB)
Southside Regeneration Area Map (2.9 MB)

For some reason, these maps are not available on the Agency's website, even though the amendment states "the Agency shall make copies of the deposited map available for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times at its offices, and shall also publish the map on the Internet."

According to Brendan Kenny, CEO of the Regeneration Agencies, publishing the maps would only "cause confusion". However, he has stated that "...the Boundaries as indicated allows for expansion if necessary".

These maps are a clear indication of the states long-term intent towards many Limerick estates that are not currently targeted for demolition.

In the Northside, Caherdavin Meadows, Woodview Park and all of Ballananty are legally part of the Northside Regeneration Area.

In the Southside, Georgian Village, Kennedy Park, Glasgow Park, Rathbane, Ryans Cottages, Donnellan's Buildings, Hayden villas, Weston Villas, Rosbrien Terrace, Punches Close and most of Roundwood in Rosbrien are all legally part of the Southside Regeneration Area.