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Moyross Residents Alliance
The 2008 'Master' Plan for Moyross

Click here for the 2013 Limerick Regeneration Framework Implementation Plan

A Selection of images from the 'Master' plan. Click on an image to enlarge. Some images have been enhanced so that text can be read.
Physical Regeneration - Moyross (2.3MB)

Estimated Cost of Moyross Regeneration:

Public Sector Investment
€727.7 million
Private Sector Investment
€467.7 million
€1195.4 million

Extract from the 'Master' Plan for Moyross:

Development densities

Best practice in terms of sustainable urban design promotes high density development in urban areas adjacent to public transport and facilities. The current draft Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government Guideline on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas sets out a minimum density of 50 dwellings per hectare in areas adjacent to public transport corridors (i.e. sites within 400- 500m of a bus or light rail stop ).

The property market conditions in the wider Limerick area, including the supply of houses available and the number of houses which have planning permission for future construction, makes it likely that the most optimistic assumption on the number of private houses which could be sold in Moyross in each year is approximately 120-130. This suggests that achieving a high proportion of new private residents in the development will be slow or difficult in the short term. Allied with the negative perception of the area, the market for new private dwellings in the earlier phases of redevelopment will be very price sensitive and so the lower overall number of dwellings as outlined above is seen as the base figure required for achieving the aims of the Plan.

The Plan however, includes provision for increasing housing densities and varying the dwelling mix as reviews of the plan and market conditions may require. This affords the Plan a robustness which will allow the Regeneration Agency room to vary development over time as may be necessary, and which will remain valid for the regeneration under a range of conditions.

As previously outlined, the regeneration seeks to redefine the tenure mix in the Moyross area through the redevelopment of residential areas in such away as to provide an 80.20 private/affordable to social rented dwellings over approximately 2,000 dwellings. This means a residential density of 45 dwellings per hectare across the 44hectares. of the regeneration area available for residential development. To achieve this whilst still meeting the needs of the existing residents, will require the use of a range of different residential densities. As a general strategy, this can be described as the provision of higher density edges to development plots adjacent to key access routes that contain core areas of lower density comprised, for the most part, of clusters of semi-detached dwellings.

Locating residential densities

Residential densities are varied across the site, placing higher densities closer to amenities and main routes. The general organisation of residential density in Moyross is set out in the plan below (click here to view). The form which each of the different levels of density will take is outlined in the following section.

Density Intensification

As previously outlined, the regeneration of residential areas at an average of47 dwellings per hectare is below the minimum density recommended by the Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government for sustainable communities, which recommends the minimum sustainable residential development of 50 dwellings per hectare. Such a density would require 2,200 dwellings be provided, an additional 260 dwellings above that outlined in the current Plan. Residential proposals will allow adaptability and flexibility in buildings and infrastructure to respond and adapt to the changing needs and expanding spatial requirements of their inhabitants and users including the possible intensification of residential densities, which it is felt should be encouraged.

There is a need to promote as much new residential development as possible in order to help drive the regeneration by:

  • providing the local market to stimulate the provision of commercial services and facilities which add to the activity of the area.

  • to improve the viability and speed of delivery of infra- structure and services e.g. efficient public transport.

  • to help promote the perception outside the area that change is occurring.

  • a greater number of residents living in the area would help to promote a vibrant public realm and contribute to civic behaviour and safer places

Impact of Intensification

While the Plan assumes the use of blocks and typologies as previously described, the desired intensification of residential development densities would require the use of alternative block arrangements and typologies as illustrated here (click here to view). Depending on the intensification desired, whether to achieve an average of 50 dwellings per hectare or above, the use of combinations of the above typologies would enable the redevelopment to still meet the majority of current and necessary objectives including the designing out of unsupervised public spaces, routes, etc and the retention of key views to the Clare Hills from within the regenerated area.

To view the complete 'Master' Plans,"Limerick Regeneration: A Vision For Moyross, Southill & Ballinacurra Weston and St. Mary's Park" click here